Campus Entry and Scanning
All students must enter the school building through “airport-type” scanning. All banned items will be confiscated.
1. All students must enter through the cafeteria through the alley between the field and the building.
- All students must be at the entrance of the school at least 30 minutes before their class starts in order to avoid being late to class.
2. ID Cards and Programs
- Students must have their ID card with them at all times.
- If a student is new to the school, they must enter through the lobby and request an ID card.
- If a student loses their ID card, they must speak to a CIMS staff member to request a new ID card.
3. Behavior Norms at Scanning
- Every adult is to be shown respect. There are five different schools in the building and all Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers, Office Staff, etc. can have you suspended for inappropriate behavior.
4. Students may not leave the building prior to his/her scheduled dismissal time unless escorted out by an adult whose name appears on their
emergency card. An adult older than the age of 21 must sign out all students.